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Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation in Pennsylvania (2020)

January 08, 2020  | Health Care and Human Services

Research was conducted to understand the characteristics of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC), and how it is identified and investigated by CYS caseworkers. The research identified challenges in multiple steps of the CYS process, from the initial screening of child abuse reports to the actions of the State Commonwealth Court. Recommendations were made and are intended to improve the quality of the child welfare system in Pennsylvania. The recommendations focus on strategies that can support and enhance child protection work statewide. Pennsylvania's statutory requirement for expungement of CYS cases dispositioned as "unfounded", "invalid," or "screened-out" without an investigation, can create numerous barriers to CYS's ability to keep children safe. The researchers identified high variability in the rate at which reports were screened out across counties, potentially resulting in disparate access to protective services depending on one's address. 

Executive Summary

Tags:  child sexual abuse , child exploitation

Introducing the Center's new journal, Rural Policy: The Research Bulletin of the Center for Rural Pennsylvania.